Theater of Arts is no longer accepting applications and will cease operations on July 1st, 2025. Full Statement

Licensing & Approvals

Theatre of Arts has received “approval” from the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) to operate as a degree-granting institution in the state of California. “Approval” or “approval to operate” means that the Bureau has determined and certified that an institution meets minimum standards established by the Bureau and according to the California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009.
Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education
1747 North Market Blvd, Ste 225
Sacramento, CA 95834
P.O. Box 980818 West Sacramento, CA
Toll-Free Telephone & Fax:
(888) 370-7589 or by fax (916) 263-1897 or
(916) 574-8900 or by fax (916) 263-1897.
Understanding BPPE Reporting Metrics For Acting Conservatories: Please note that all figures for "Job Placement Rates" and "Gainful Employment" in the two standardized BPPE reports above refer to *full-time employment* only. Because acting work is by nature overwhelmingly short-term and/or freelance, these numbers are typically low for acting conservatories, and do not reflect the actual number of TOA graduates working in paying acting roles each year.